Why do you feel that online classroom platforms are better than traditional universities?

The rising cost of education with just a few hundred or perhaps a few thousand seats for lakhs and lakhs of seekers for quality education a few of the problems that traditional universities are finding it very difficult to deal with is discussed in the article. But at this, the point can it be said that online learning with the help of online classroom platforms can be a replacement for traditional universities.

1. Why do you feel that online courses are better than traditional universities?
Currently when we see in-state is giving up a lot of problems where traditional universities are facing which is something that everyone feels that online education can sort of target and remove like the problem of accessibility the problem of high prices or flex in university education.

a)      The idea that people have to move cities to go ahead and get an education is something that not a lot of people can do and to say that students have to then sacrifice a college education to go ahead.

b)      As because learners face in such problems but with the replacement in the form of an online classroom platform it becomes more feasible to go ahead and give this education for all the push forward.

c)       Of course, the traditional way of learning in a classroom cannot be replaced by using virtual classroom software. There are several advantages of online learning over traditional learning like time and tested method and it is like which results in the overall development of the student.

d)      Where the learner gets a chance to socialize in a better manner and also get to come across people from various colleges coming from different backgrounds.

So as the learners develop a livelier and a broader outlook towards life. It is not only about education but it is about all-round development that lacks a traditional system of Education.
Perhaps, education through online classroom platforms is something where you just get to learn about that is being taught in a traditional way of setting. kind of education system.

We have traditional universities that we have lack of space a lesser number of seats then takers and that's something which can be addressed in a very big way by online learning platforms.

The internet gives you a space to ask questions even if you're embarrassed about asking certain kinds of questions there is an anonymity aspect to it take for example
Access to the learning management system and the technology behind has given a phenomenal right to the students. Access to technology like asking questions on Quora or whatever websites we have anonymously but when it comes to schools isn't the interaction between teachers and students decreasing?

Because the imaginative power of students increasing that makes them very social when they are interacting one on one with the teacher. It makes a lot of sense there is a personal connection saying since children use technology gadgets so much the interaction aspect has sort of doesn't exist anymore.

In online school the way students interact with teachers today is very different it's on a very upper level rather than on a personal level.


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