Benefits and challenges of online tuition in schools

It is quite difficult for educators to manage large classes of students. It is the prime responsibility of the educators to let not miss students to miss lectures. Well, the benefit of online learning is in part the asynchronous nature. The fact that students can go back anytime and study coursework. The study material offered through online learning platforms offers them the opportunity and the main benefits of an online course is that the materials can be reviewed by the students anytime, anywhere, and possibly any number of times.


Online tuition has become popular in recent years from students saying how much they appreciate that they can go through the materials at their own pace. Unlike where they have to go along with everybody in the regular classroom.

The other important benefit of moving to online tuition is the flexibility that it provides both for the instructors and for the students. In terms of geography and the location where they can participate in incomplete activities that are part of their overall course. They can start learning and finish the course anytime, anywhere they like. However, it depends on the students who can proceed at the pace that's appropriate to them.


Merits & Demerits of online tuition


#1 Some students may be learning slower than the others perhaps more quickly we know right now that learners learn in best environments where they have a measure of control of their learning. With the help of the learning management system LMS vendors have been able to design courses with that kind of methodology in mind and that kind of pedagogical approach.


#2 And so being able to provide that measure of control to students is appealing to them not only for the in terms of their own motivation towards a course but also in terms of insuring and helping them learn better and more meaningfully and more deeply.


#3 Specifically for students who have traditionally faced barriers accessing post-secondary study studies and curriculum through online tuition. It simply enable access higher education but there's a level of access in terms of accessing the information which is very important for students.


#4 Students who have learning disabilities or even for second language speakers. Online tuition can be beneficial  which allows the use of assistive technology or other technological tools to aid understanding, comprehension and expression of  learning.


#5 Nowadays they're looking for the information that they need on a screen and that could be on through phone, computer or even tablet connected to an internet source. Hence they adore studying through the audio/visuals.

Since this was recognized a decade ago online learning tools are developed in the sense to mitigate instructional aspects of learning with help of powerful web based tools. Learning Management System helps students and facilitators with communication thus having this would increase multitude of the learning as well as teaching aspects in colleges and schools. 


#6 Online learning platforms bring great benefit to the students because this is how they've been brought up almost from birth that they find information on a screen.The benefits for students are clear as well they're used to interacting and accessing things online. Learners feel comfortable using online learning platforms in many ways they prefer as they can learn at their own pace they can review or study using provided materials much easier.


#7 Online tuition is popular in India as well as abroad where a student has to take a certain level of responsibility as a matter of fact a huge level of responsibility in terms of facilitating their own learning. This idea that students need to meet learning objectives in a way in which they themselves sort of navigate through the material and set a path for themselves to achieve the learning objectives of the course.


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